Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes, not to be confused with yams which are actually a completely different Genus species, have grown in popularity over the past 20 or so years. With proper site selection and good timing, they are a relatively simple crop to grow in Kentucky with options in producing orange, white and purple fleshed varieties.
Key Requirements
Land | Low to Medium |
Labor | Medium to High |
Capital | Low |
Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.
- Direct to Consumer
- Restaurants
- Institutional Food Service
Pests & Disease
It is relatively easy to grow sweet potatoes, even organically. The biggest pest pressure comes from wireworm and grubs. There are a few diseases that can cause problems to the final product but resistant cultivars and good crop rotation can manage many of these issues.
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
- If wanting to grow organically, you may have to produce your own slips as they can be difficult to find commercially.
- Sweet potatoes must be cured after harvest which requires high relative humidity and temperatures.
- Planting sweet potato slips can be labor intensive but a one-row tobacco setter can be very helpful.
- Harvest equipment such as a potato digger can be used to expedite harvesting.
- The ability to store sweet potatoes for longer periods of times can extend the marketing season
Other Sweetpotato Resources
Sweet Potato Budget (U. of Kentucky)