As a member of the crucifer family, cabbage is a cousin to broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. It thrives in cooler temperatures and can be grown as either a fall or spring crop in KY. While primarily now grown as a direct-to-consumer vegetable, there is a history in KY of growing many acres for processing. Fresh cabbage sales are heavily influenced by fresh-cut coleslaw consumption and the use of red cabbage in salad mixes.
Key Requirements
Land: | Medium |
Labor: | High |
Capital: | Low |
Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.
- Direct to Consumer
- Restaurants
- Auctions
- Wholesale-processing
Pest & Disease
As a member of the cole crops family, cabbage deals with similar pest and disease problems as broccoli and other crucifers. Scouting and monitoring for insects particularly is crucial for the marketability of this crop. Early detection will go a long way towards a good harvest.
Production costs are $2,215. Marketing costs are $4,080. Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
- Fresh cabbage consumption has been in decline per capita
- Boron deficiency can be a concern for some KY soils
- Insects can quickly decimate a crop.
- Tobacco setters can be used for transplanting.
- Both spring and fall crops are attainable if growing your own fall transplants
- Plants with good disease resistance are available.