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Cucumbers in KY are predominately grown for fresh consumption, also known as “slicing types,” but you will have “picklers” or those meant for processing gown in bulk and sold at auctions and farmers markets. Like many members of the cucurbit family, cucumbers thrive in the warm seasons of KY but can be grown in the high tunnel to extend the season.  

Key Requirements

Land: Low to Medium
Labor:  High
Capital: Low to Medium

Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.


Pest & Disease

Special care should be taken not to follow another cucurbit crop with cucumbers due to high disease and insect pressure. Whether growing organically or conventionally, a pesticide program should be planned in advance, and insecticides should be timed in a manner to avoid visiting pollinators.  

$5000 Cost per Acre (Harvesting, Marketing, Production)

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.

$(479) Return per Acre. Conservative Estimate on Summer production.

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.


  • Insects like cucumber beetles can vector diseases that can decimate a crop. 
  • Labor needs can be high due to trellising. 
  • Missing a harvest can result in low yields. 


  • Most customers are familiar with cucumbers and so less demand for marketing skills. 
  • Smaller scale production can be more financially lucrative. 
  • Opportunity for wholesale slicers in mid-September after northern sources have finished their season.