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Key Requirements

Land Low
Labor Medium to High
Capital Low

Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.


  • Direct to Consumer
    • Farmer's Market
    • On-Farm Stands
    • CSA
  • Restaurants
  • Local Grocery
  • Auctions

Pests & Disease

Colorado potato beetle and flea beetles are the key insect pests of potatoes. Potential disease problems include blackleg, early blight, root knot nematodes, Rhizoctonia stem canker, scurf, scab and viruses.  

$3100 Cost per Acre

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.

$205 Returns per Acre

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.


  • Profit margins tend to be much tighter for processing potatoes and high yields are critical for profitability. 
  • High soil temperatures under black plastic can result in smaller tubers in mid- and late-season maturing varieties. 
  • Plastic mulch can be an impediment to harvest in larger scale plantings. 


  • Plasticulture production of potatoes generally allows for easier harvest, particularly when harvesting over a long period of time. 
  • Potatoes can be grown on a wide range of well-drained soil types.