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Hispanic Vegetables

The term 'Hispanic' (or 'Latino') is generally used in the United States as a designation for Spanish speaking peoples originating from Mexico, Central America, South America, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. This culturally diverse group now represents the largest and fastest-growing minority population in the U.S. 

The Hispanic influence on American cuisine is particularly evident in Mexican, Tex-Mex, and similar cooking styles. Mexican food remains one of the most popular ethnic cuisines in the U.S., and ingredients introduced to the U.S. in Mexican cuisine are now used across many cuisines. Mexican entrees and ingredients can be found in major grocery chains, as well as dining establishments ranging from street food and fast food to fine dining. There is interest among consumers in purchasing the fresh, often unique, ingredients required for preparing ethnic dishes at home. Some of the more common vegetables and herbs used in Hispanic dishes, such as cilantro and jalapeno peppers, are already grown in Kentucky. Other traditional and specialty Hispanic crops can be produced and marketed here, both to Hispanics and non-Hispanics. 

Key Requirements

Land Low
Labor High
Capital Medium

Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.


  • Direct to Consumer
    • Farmer's Market
    • On-Farm Stands
    • CSA
  • Restaurants
  • Ethnic Markets

Pest & Disease

Disease and insect pressure for ethnic vegetables can vary depending on the crop, the cultivar, and the season.  

Variable Cost per Acre

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.

Variable Returns per Acre

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.


  • The demand for ethnic vegetables is often relatively small at any one time or place, so the market can easily become saturated. 
  • Chemical control methods for pest and disease may be limited because few pesticides are registered for many specialty crops. 
  • Limited marketing radius due to harvesting at their peak. 


  • Transplants can be grown in a greenhouse structure or hotbed, both for direct sales or on-farm use. 
  • Greater yields, increased earliness, and cleaner harvest has been reported when growing crops on raised beds with black plastic mulch and drip irrigation.