Apples can be produced on a low (central leader) to medium or high-density system in Kentucky depending on a grower's access to land, labor and capital. For growers with more limited land but access to water for drip irrigation, a high-density system can be applied with the ability to plant upwards of 1000 trees per acre. However, high-density plantings require more permanent infrastructure, such as trellising, as well as requiring six times the amount of operator labor per acre, per year. Higher-density plantings can produce significantly higher yields at potentially lower costs per bushel in full-bearing years, compared to semi-dwarf lower density orchards. Keep in mind, long-term profitability for apples is very sensitive to prices, yields and the total establishment costs for new plantings.
Key Requirements
Land | High |
Labor | High |
Capital | High |
Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.
Value Added
Farmer’s Market
Roadside Stands
Secondary Processing (Cider, Applesauce, etc.)
Pest & Disease
There are a large number of insects and diseases to control on apples. Regardless of type of system you are using, a spray schedule should be developed at planting time. Deer and voles will need to be managed via fencing, hunting, or trapping.
See the extensive Pest & Disease Resources at the bottom of this page.
Medium-Density Economics
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
These costs exclude packaging, which will vary by market. Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
High-Density Economics
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
These costs exclude packaging, which will vary by market. Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.
As a perennial crop, apples take 3-5 years to produce fruit, meaning getting a return on investment takes time.
Land needs to be higher than surrounding areas with excellent air drainage.
It is best to decide on your market before planting trees as different cultivars have different intended uses (fresh market vs. processing)
Apples can often be stored for several months in cold storage, extending time for sales.
A commercial orchard is expected to be productive for at least 20 years.
High-density orchards can have earlier production and quicker returns on investment.
Other Apple Resources
Pest & Disease Management
Controlling Apple Pests (UK Entomology)
Apple Fruit Diseases Appearing at Harvest PPFS-FR-T-02 (UK Plant Pathology)
Apple Scab PPFS-FR-T-13 (UK Plant Pathology)
Crown Gall PPFS-GEN-01 (UK Plant Pathology)
Fire Blight PPFS-FR-T-12 (UK Plant Pathology)
Fire Blight of Apple Video (UK Plant Pathology)
Frogeye Leaf Spot, Black Rot, and Canker of Apple PPFS-FR-T-03 (UK Plant Pathology)
IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Apple (2.6 MB) ID-219 (UK Plant Pathology)
IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Apple mobile website (UK Plant Pathology)
Rust of Apple Video (UK Plant Pathology)
Rust Diseases of Apple PPFS-FR-T-05 (UK Plant Pathology)
Small Scale Production
Backyard Apple Disease Management Using Cultural Practices (with Low Spray, No Spray & Organic Options) PPFS-FR-T-21 (UK Plant Pathology)
Bagging Apples for Pests (UK Entomology)
Disease and Insect Control Program for Homegrown Fruit in Kentucky including Organic Alternatives ID-21 (UK Plant Pathology)
Fruit, Orchard, and Vineyard Sanitation PPFS-GEN-05 (UK Plant Pathology)
Home Fruit Disease Management: Apple & Pear video (UK Plant Pathology)
Homeowner's Guide to Fungicides PPFS-GEN-07 (UK Plant Pathology)
Kentucky Backyard Apple Integrated Pest Management Manual IPM-9 (UK Plant Pathology)
Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide (5.7 MB) pdf (UK Plant Pathology)
Rootstocks for Kentucky Fruit Trees HO-82 (UK Plant Pathology)
Simplified Backyard Apple Spray Guides PPFS-FR-T-18 (UK Plant Pathology)
Simplified Fungicide Guide for Backyard Fruit PPFS-GEN-08 (UK Plant Pathology)
Large Scale Apple Production
Apple Production: Best Management Practices ID-137 (UK Plant Pathology)
Commercial Apple Fungicide Schedule Worksheet PPFS-FR-T-19 (UK Plant Pathology)
Commercial Fruit Pest Management Guide (1.5 MB) ID-232 (UK Plant Pathology)
Fungicides for Tree Fruits PPFS-FR-T-11 (UK Plant Pathology)
Midwest Tree Fruit Pest Management Handbook ID-93 (UK Plant Pathology)
Profile of Commercial Apple Production in Kentucky 2017 (17 MB) link (UK Plant Pathology)
Rootstocks for Kentucky Fruit Trees HO-82 (UK Plant Pathology)