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As we move forward into 2025 many of you growers may also be moving forward with ideas to try out new crops or build new high tunnels. The benefits of season extension from structures like high tunnels are much more obvious this time of year with crops safely tucked in and free of snow and ice. During sunny days, when temps can climb well into the 60°F range inside the tunnel, your plants are able to gain some active growth days, unlike their field planted neighbors, allowing for a faster jump on the season. For those of you in the veggie world, who are looking to expand your crop list, or maybe just ease your mind about if your plants will make it through the cold, check out the High Tunnel Planting Calendars developed by past CCD member Josh Knight and UKY Vegetable Specialist Dr. Rudolph.

*make sure to select your correct region*

I especially like how this graphic not only tells you optimal and minimum temperatures for a variety of high tunnel crops, but it also gives you an idea of planting time AND expected harvest windows. If you’re new to a crop or to tunnels in general, this can be especially helpful for planning your market strategies. Nothing worse than having the most beautiful kale you’ve ever seen, but your farmer’s market doesn’t open for another month and therefore you have no customers to sell to! So, use this tool not only for help with production but I also encourage you to look at it as a tool for marketing. Develop strategies to fit those market windows!