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If you are anything like me, winter has been a time to plan for the year to come. For me, this includes lots of reading, coffee, and playing around in Excel. One resource I recommend to farmers and farm market managers for winter reading is the Kentucky Department of Agriculture's 2024-2025 Kentucky Farmers’ Market Manual and Resource Guide. This manual is a GREAT resource for Kentucky farmers' market managers and vendors. The Manual can be downloaded from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture's website, here.  


Here are some ways to use this manual: 


Farmers can use this manual to:  

  • Learn about how the Kentucky Department of Agriculture is involved in the facilitation of Kentucky’s Farmers’ Markets.  

  • Learn about the benefits and requirements of participating in the Kentucky Proud program – along with supplemental programs such as Homegrown by Heroes, Appalachia Proud, Buy Local, and many others! 

  • Learn about the benefits and requirements of becoming Certified Organic and how the Kentucky Department of Agriculture can assist you in that process.  

  • Determine if you must comply or are exempt from the Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)’s Produce Safety Rule and how the Kentucky Department of Agriculture can assist you in exemption or compliance. 

  • Find program contacts at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the University of Kentucky’s Cooperative Extension Service to answer questions and concerns for a variety of specialty areas. 

  • Learn about programs and groups that provide technical assistance which could be beneficial – such as the Center for Crop Diversification, Food Systems Innovation Center, and more!  

  • Learn the rules and regulations about cooking demonstrations and sampling your product(s) at the farmers' market.  

  • Determine the difference between Home-based Processors and Home-based Microprocessors. There are specific distinctions between these two classifications so be sure to check out this section, if applicable. It’s better to be safe, than sorry!  

  • Determine product specific requirements, which are listed in the Manual. If you plan to sell cheese or beer cheese, eggs, greens (leafy mixes and micros), ice cream, jerky, cut melons, prepared meals, seafood, or sprouts be sure to check out pages 85-88.  


New and returning markets can use this manual to: 

  • Determine requirements and qualifications for becoming a Kentucky Proud Farmers’ Market. 

  • Remember key dates, such as making sure your market’s information is up to date on the Kentucky Proud website by March 31st. 

  • Find program contacts at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture to answer questions and concerns for a variety of specialty areas. 

  • Find program contacts for University of Kentucky’s Cooperative Extension Service associates, agents, and specialists for a variety of specialty areas.   

  • Learn about programs and groups that provide technical assistance which could be beneficial for your market, its patrons, or vendors.  

  • Learn about market manager cost-share programs, resiliency programs, Kentucky Double Dollars, nutrition programs (SFMNP, WIC FMNP, SNAP), and other programs which could be beneficial for your market. You may already be utilizing these programs if you are an established market, but it is always helpful to take another look at the assistance your market may be eligible for. 

  • Gain tips for establishing market rules and procedures, such as market days and time, membership applications and fees, and products allowed.  

  • Learn about insurance coverage options and safety measures for your market.  

  • Gain ideas for market events and promotion. 

  • Learn the rules and regulations around cooking demonstrations and sampling at the market 

  • Understand requirements vendors need to meet for selling products that have product specific requirements, such as eggs, honey, meat, and more.  

  • Understand the alcohol sales and sampling rules and regulations for your market.  


Markets, please remember you can register with KDA at any time during the year, but to be included in all the listings and take full advantage of all opportunities, your market should register or update/double-check your market’s information on the Kentucky Proud website by March 31st. Remember, there is no fee to be registered as a Kentucky Proud farmers’ market — only benefits! 


If you have any questions about Kentucky farmers' markets, please reach out to Kate Hamilton or Sharon Spencer