Irrigation is used in Kentucky for both specialty and row crops. Irrigation systems reduce risks of low profitability from low yields and crop stress. Drip irrigation, essential for producing many specialty crops, is used throughout the state on farms of all sizes. Overhead irrigation systems are concentrated in western Kentucky, where farms of 1,000 or more acres account for most of the annual acreage changes in Kentucky’s irrigated farmland.
Irrigation Resources
Drip Irrigation
Research & Reports
Effect of Soil Amendment and Irrigation Regime on Bell Pepper Yield (Page 55)
Sweet Potato Variety Trial and Response to Irrigation in Central Kentucky (Page 29)
The Effects of Pulsing Drip Irrigation on Tomato Yield and Quality in Kentucky (Page 39)
Irrigation Water Volume and Soluble Salt Levels in Two PNP Irrigation Delivery Systems (Page 15)
Water Use Efficiency in Container Nursery Crop Production (Page 12)
Irrigation and Pruning Influence on Hydrangea Dried Cut-Flower Production (Page 8)
General Irrigation & Production Resources
Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers (ID-36, 2018-19), Pages 6-7
Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers (2019), Page 28
Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook (2019), Page 18
Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers (Fifth Edition, 2007) Part 5, Page 249
North Carolina State University Extension Irrigation Resources
North Carolina State Extension Growing Small Farms Irrigation Resources
Drip Irrigation for Vegetable Production (Penn State University)
Determining How Long to Run Drip Irrigation for Vegetables (Penn State University)