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Ginger & Turmeric

Key Requirements

Land Low
Labor Medium to High
Capital High

Take the HortBizQuiz to see how much Land, Labor, and Capital you have for your operation.


  • Direct to Consumer
    • Farmer's Markets
    • On-Farm Stands
    • CSA
  • Restaurants

Pests & Disease

Soil-born and seed-borne diseases can devastate ginger and turmeric production. The crops are susceptible to bacterial wilt, bacterial soft rot, and Pythium. Many soil-borne diseases can be avoided by purchasing tissue cultured, disease-free stock. 

$300 Cost per 100 ft row

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.

$300 Returns per 100 ft row

Costs and returns are presented as estimates. They will vary based on your farm and markets.


  • The largest expense is the cost of establishing and maintaining the high tunnel for ginger and turmeric production.  
  • While both ginger and turmeric have received attention in the health and wellness market, producers need to understand the potential ramifications of marking health claims when selling fresh produce. 
  • For the fresh market, ginger and turmeric are examples of niche crops where local markets could become easily saturated by overproduction. 


  • Consumer interest in using fresh spices have increased over the years. 
  • Can be harvested at varying maturities.