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New Publication to Help Growers with Insuring their Horticultural Investments

NEW PUBLICATION: Insuring Horticultural Investments: Insurance Checklist. This article provides relevant information on insurance programs and presents possible climate concerns that you should consider when reviewing your policy.

Plant with a Plan! What to Think About Before You Plant

Have you ever thought, “I should really take into consideration some important factors before I start planting.” If not, do we have the resources for you!   The CCD has all sorts of recording trainings, webinars, and publications. Among those are our general webinars where we have those dedicated to What to Think About Before You Plant. We have information dedicated to the market you are considering being involved in. Direct markets or large and commercial, we’ve got those things that you need to think about! 

Our Mission

The University of Kentucky Center for Crop Diversification (CCD) helps farmers and businesses to plan, grow, and market better. We create and curate up-to-date, relevant, and accessible publications, price reports, videos, and in-person training opportunities.  


The CCD is part of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Learn more about Extension and find your County Agent here.

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Quick Start Guide

New to the CCD or looking to expand your knowledge of all the great stuff we have available? This site is large and includes lots of information so we created this quick start guide to get you oriented and start exploring. Within you'll find some good starting points for exploring our site content.

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Our Newsletter offers features and articles relevant to specialty crop growers and marketers as well as reminders of upcoming events and trainings. It's delivered once a month right to your email inbox. 

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Hort Biz Quiz

clip art of various fruits, vegetables and plants on mint background

The Hort Biz Quiz is a brief interactive tool that helps you identify strengths and weaknesses and potential crops and markets to pursue.

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